
Things happened when Therapist L was leading a group and I sat outside of the circle.
A: hi
Yang-Ching (Y): hi
A: never seen you before..
Y: yeah….I am new here.
A: what’s your nationality?
Y: Taiwan
(5 seconds later)
A: hi
Y: hi
A: what’s your nationality?

Y: Taiwan
A: what’s you name?
Y: Yang-Ching.
A: Are you married?
Y: Not yet.
(5 seconds later…)
A: what’s your nationality?
Y: Taiwan
A: what’s you name?
Y: Yang-Ching.

A: Are you married?
Y: Not yet.
A talks to B : Yang-Ching is from Taiwan, she is not married. Are you married?
B: me………maybe….i don’t remember
A: I think i didn’t get married….Do you have kids?
B: maybe…..
(10 seconds later)
A: Do you have brothers or sisters?
Y: one brother
A turns his head, and asked another therapist L
A: Do you have kids?
L: yeah….two
A: Are you married?
L: yeah..
A: How many times????????
L:$%^^*&#???  How old you think I am?
C (another resident): it’s a new question, never heard him ask…..
(a groupd of visitors walked past….)
A: hey…you people. Do I know you….what’s your name???
Y, L :…………..

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